domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

Romeo and Juliet

1.What do you know about Romeo and Juliet?

- two young “star-cross'd lovers” whose deaths ultimately unite their feuding families.

2.Where did they live?

- in Italia, Verona.

3.What were their family names?

-Romeo capulet and Juliet Montague

4.Who wrote the story?

- William shakespare

5.When was the story written?

- Believed written between 1591 and 1595

6. What is the source of this story(origin)?

- The story is based on an Italian tale

7. Is it a comedy or a tragedy? why?

-tragedy, because they died

8. Is a similar story possible today? Justify your answer

-No, because now the people are more aware


1.¿Que sabes sobre Romeo y Julieta?

-Eran dos jóvenes que su muerte definitiva unira a sus familias.

2.¿Donde se vive?

- En Italia, Verona.

3.¿Cuales eran sus apellidos?    

-Capuleto y Montegue

4.¿Quien escribió el cuento?

-William shakespare  

5.¿Cuando fue echa la historia?

-Se cree escrita entre 1591 y 1595

6.¿Cuál es la fuente de esta historia (el origen )? 

-La historia está basada en un cuento Italiano

7.¿Es una cmedia o una tragedia? ¿por qué?

-Tragedia, ya que habia muerte 

8. puede haber una historia similar posible hoy en día? justifica tu respuesta  

-No, porque ahora la gente es más conciente

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

summer 2010 is over

My summer in Fuerteventura with my friends was amazing. It was my last summer in fuerteventura because i came to live here, but I sure will come back
I played beach voley then could go to many places to play